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Paradise Freebies


What Is It?


Financial freedom is something that everybody wants, but most of us never actually achieve. The most lucrative career field over the years has been and remains to be direct sales. What is direct sales? It's when you have something that people want and you sell it to them. No middle man, no complications. They give you money, and you give them your product. The problem here is that most of us don't have the money to go out and buy tons of product, and we definitely don't have the time to make that money. This is exactly why Paradise Freebies was created.

What Does It Do?


Paradise Freebies puts the power in your hands by giving you something that people want: the ability to give others the financial freedom that they want. How? Paradise Freebies is a website where Fortune 500 companies such as Disney and AT&T advertise their products and services, often offering free trials and special offers. You (the affiliate) bring people to these offers. When they sign up for the offer or the free trial, you get paid a pre-determined amount. This is usually anywhere from just a few bucks to $50 or more. Realistically, you can make upwards of $500 or more every day. Why would these companies pay you to bring people to their products? It's one of the oldest business tactics in the world. Give people a taste of what you can do for them, and when they come back for more you profit, profit, profit.


It's very easy to make money with Paradise Freebies, and lots of it. To get started, you'll need to get what's called a full credit. To get a full credit, you have to complete enough offers. There are tons of offers listed on the official website, and most of them are free. each offer gives you a different amount of credit. Usually you only have to do one or two offers to get a full credit. There are a few that cost some money, but the most expensive one is a one time $20 fee. Wait! Before you start yelling "scam!!" Let's take a look at the facts. If you make a cent over $600, you must fill out and submit a W-9 form before you can recieve any more payments. This means that they are reporting tax earnings to the IRS. A scam company wouldn't do this, it would be like telling the government "we're doing something illegal, come arrest us!" Also, keep in mind that there is not a single business in existance that didn't have to pay money to make money (including major, trusted corporations such as Wal-Mart, CNN and literally very other business that you could possibly think of). The difference is, each and very one of them had to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars, get licenses and permits, and pay their employees. You only pay a one time twenty bucks, which you can easily make back in your first hour after registering with the site. After you have your credit, all you have to do is get other people to do the same thing that you did: register with Paradise Freebies and get a credit. For each person you get to do this, you make money. How much money you make depends on the compensation level that you choose, because Paradise Freebies offers several.


How Much Do I Get Paid?

Each compensation plan pays a different amount per refferal.




















  • Garden Paradise = $10 Per Referral

  • Island Paradise = $20 Per Referral

  • Tropical Paradise = $30 Per Referral

  • Jungle Paradise = $40 Per Referral

  • Mountain Paradise = $50 Per Referral

  • Ocean Paradise = $60 Per Referral



A big bonus for Paradise Freebies is that they pay daily- yes, DAILY. If you refer someone today, the money you earn for that referral will be deposited in your PayPal account by the end of the day. Usually, you'll be paid within an hour, but it can take until the end of the day. See why this is so powerful? You can realisticlly make hundreds a day, if you're willing to put in the work. Most people use Paradise Freebies as a supplementary income, but even using this for a few hours a day can change your life.



Are There Any Special Offers?


We were able to put together a few special offers for Paradise Freebies, such as:


Referral Training

How To Get Traffic (Referrals)

Where To Get Traffic

Pre-Made Ads, Ready To Copy & Paste!




Benefits VS Drawbacks:



  • Multiple Payment Options

  • High Payouts

  • Daily Payouts

  • Low Start Up Cost

  • No Limit To How Much You Can Earn

  • Free Training & Traffic Bundle - Our Readers Only!



  • Is Not Free To Start

  • Payout Frequency Can Take Up To A Day

  • Only Pays Through PayPal



Is It Worth It?

Paradise Freebies looks like a great company to get involved with, and we would definitely reccomend giving them a chance if you're looking to improve your financial future and build, supplement, or replace your income. Though referrals can be a hassle to get, Paradise Freebies makes it worthwhile.


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